Los Angeles Whale Watching
Information for Los Angeles Residents and Visitors

When thinking of Los Angeles one thinks of great weather, beautiful beaches, and film/ entertainment mecca, but Los Angeles has another gift that being regarded as a world renowned whale watching destination. Unlike some of the other top whale watching destinations in the world, Los Angeles has year round viewing opportunities viewing many species of whales and dolphin. Where else could you go in the world and experience amazing weather, lake like ocean conditions, beautiful coastlines, and see not one but several different types of whales possibly on the same cruise. Sounds too good to be true just wait not only is all of this just minutes from downtown Los Angeles, but can be done for under $40 a person. Often you can spend thousands to travel to remote locations to see the same whales and dolphin, but in Los Angeles you can spend under $40 a person and don’t even need to set aside a day to do, but can choose from several cruise times daily to fit into almost any schedule.
Newport Landing departs from beautiful Newport Bay in the greater Los Angeles area. Newport Bay has at its entrance one of the largest marine protection reserves in California to ensure all marine creatures including whales and dolphin have a pristine environment for years to come. The region is so rich that the viewing success rate is at over 96%!