Dana Point Whale Watching
Information for Dana Point Residents and Visitors

Newport Landing Whale Watching has been a great option for Dana Point whale watchers for over 30 years. Newport Landing Whale Watching departs from Newport Bay just north of Dana Point Harbor. Whale watching is a popular activity for Dana Point and there is even the Whale Festival that takes place over two weekends during the gray whale migration. Along with whale watching Dana Point has access to some lovely beaches and is centrally located in between San Diego and Los Angeles. Newport Landing is a favorite option for Dana Point whale watchers as there is often a larger selection of cruise times available and on average Newport Landing customers pay about 30-50% less to see the same whales and dolphin.
The seasons for whale watching for Dana Point are the following summer and fall months view the giant blue whales and finback whales and the winter and spring months the gray whale migration. Below are some of our recommended hotels, attractions, and parks for the greater Dana Point area.