Long Beach Whale Watching
Information for Long Beach Residents and Visitors

Long Beach whale watching enthusiasts are fortunate enough to be located so close to Newport Bay. Only about 20 minutes south of Long Beach, Newport Bay has over 20 miles of protected pristine coastline and surrounding coastal waters located just outside its entrance. The marine park system is home to all sorts of marine life and attracts many varieties of whales and dolphin that migrate into its waters to feed and travel safely through. Beautiful undeveloped coastlines, large marine parks, and thriving marine environments create a world renowned whale watching destination so close to Long Beach. When is whale watching season? It is year round. Newport Bay is one of the lucky few locations in the world offering year round whale watching. The summer and fall months view the giant blue whales and finback whales and the winter and spring months the gray whale migration. Add great weather and flat calm lake-like ocean conditions just outside Newport Bay and you could not ask for a better environment to view all of these amazing mammals. Multiple cruises are offered daily.